8th Annual C10 Club & Friends Toy Drive
November 20, 2023

Spread Holiday Cheer!
The C/10 Club returns as our December Featured Car Club! The C/10 Club will be holding their 8th Annual Toy Drive at the Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show on Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 5am to 2pm!
The Club will be stationed on the Main Aisle within the Classic Car Corral, where we will be gathering new, unwrapped toys and sports equipment. All contributions will be dedicated to supporting the ABC7 and Southern California Firefighters’ Spark of Love Campaign. Join us in commemorating the 31st year of the Spark of Love Toy Drive, recognized as the largest community toy drive in the nation. Bring along your family and friends to relish the Pomona Swap Meet and be a part of this heartwarming toy drive! If attendance is not possible for you, please refer to the information below for alternative ways to contribute this year.
How to Donate:
- 1) Dropping off your new, unwrapped toys or sports equipment at your local neighborhood fire station.
- 2) Text to Give: Text “SPARK” to 24365
- 3) Donating online at https://supportlafd.kindful.com/ to make a donation via credit card. All proceeds will go toward buying toys or sports equipment for the children.
- 4) Drop off a new, unwrapped toy or sports equipment at one of the Stuff-A-Bus events:
2023 STUFF-A-BUS DRIVE-THRU EVENTS - December 1: Figueroa Plaza in Downtown Ventura – Venture County
- December 8: Mathis Home in Ontario – Inland Empire & Honda Center in Anaheim – Orange County
- December 15: Dodgers Stadium Parking Lot 13 – L.A. City Fire & Los Cerritos Center in Cerritos – L.A. County Fire
Toys will be sent to the Spark of Love Toy Central at Los Angeles City Fire, where they will be sanitized, sorted and distributed evenly to Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Ventura and Riverside counties. All proceeds will go to buying toys or sports equipment for the children and teens in need.
Over the years, the Spark of Love toy drive has successfully collected and distributed nearly 11 million toys. Let’s make this year’s holiday season even brighter by delivering joy to those who need it most!
Now, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the C/10 Club, well, they’re just a bunch of regular people who are into classic trucks. Obviously, they’re mostly into Chevy C10 pickup trucks, but they welcome anyone with a Chevy or GMC truck (think Blazer, Jimmy, Suburban, panel trucks, etc.). Really, the Club just wants to have a good time, with good people. The Club’s motto of “no dues, few rules, and no hard commitments” pretty much sums it up! If you’re into classic American trucks, you can check out the Club’s Instagram page to see what they’ve been up to lately, or come out and meet them in person at the Toy Drive in Pomona on Sunday, December 3rd! Come be apart of a wonderful cause.